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Signs of Life

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg
Show Host
Bob Ginsberg

Signs of Life Radio Show is a unique radio show dedicated to the exploration of Life After Death! 

Call In or just listen to top Scientists, Mediums, and Researchers discuss their personal work in the field and answer your most perplexing questions.

Topics will include: Mediumship, Near Death Experiences, Death Bed Visions, Reincarnation, Apparitions and Poltergeists, After Death Communication, ESP and Telepathy, Survival of Consciousness, and the list is endless!

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
7:00 pm CT
7:55 pm CT
1 Following
Broadcasting Date

Guest, Dan Drasin

Guest Name
Dan Drasin
Dan Drasin
Guest Occupation
Writer, Producer, Photographer, Director
Guest Biography

I was born September 23, 1942 and raised in New Jersey and New York City. In the early ‘70s I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and have been based here ever since, except for three lovely years in Boulder, CO during the early nineties.

My interests have always been eclectic and broadly scattered throughout the arts, sciences and humanities. My original career trajectory was toward Industrial Design, but after meeting the Cinema Vérité pioneers Albert Maysles, D. A. Pennebaker and Richard Leacock in the early 1960s I became their apprentice and never looked back. Following a brief, five-semester run-in with higher education at Pratt, Harvard and the New School, I began a career in independent media production (film, video, radio, photography, music production and writing) that has now spanned six decades.

Films I’ve produced or photographed have earned over two dozen international awards, notably including my short 1961 documentary SUNDAY, which was widely acknowledged as the first social-protest film of the 1960s, is part of the permanent film collection at New York's Museum of Modern Art, and was recently restored by the UCLA Film and Television archive. As of the early 2020's it is still being shown at international film festivals.