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I can tell you love what you do!   The best company to work with …
Rev. M


I can tell you love what you do!   The best company to work with …
Rev. M


I can tell you love what you do!   The best company to work with …
Rev. M


I can tell you love what you do!   The best company to work with …
Rev. M


I can tell you love what you do!   The best company to work with …
Rev. M
On 9/17/15, 

A beautiful hour long extemporaneous
seminar by Ashtar-Athena (who I call 
Athena, and who many call by 
her other name, Saivani).
Danny Safron

Thursday, September 17, 2015 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: Living on Purpose & Serving with 
Impersonal Nonchalance,Humility & Wisdom: 
Cmdr. Lady Athena

 I loved this seminar, very high vibration and very
John-Roger-esque. I plan to tune in next week.

Matthew VanFossan
Ashtar-Athena,Beloved One,

Your words truly are breathtaking--a "dazzling display to
delight and 

Thank you, thank you. What a great blessing to hear
the beauty of what 
you share, in such clarity and purity.

I love

Beloved Lady Athena,

I just decided to declare you some kind of 
"National Treasure". 
Like they knight people in England.Wait, that 
should be a "Galactic Treasure".
-- The way all you say just flows and integrates,
and pulls itself
together "on the nose" at the end of the hour.

Much you share from ACIM is
so beautiful, and I especially liked 
"Pain is the ransom you have
gladly paid, not to be free."

I suppose no news to you, but it was fun that 
they announced to everyone 
this week, [something like] that there
are millions of locations JUST IN OUR GALAXY 
that could support life, and then some 
outlandish number of galaxies.Cool. 

Loving you!  
Dr. Noel Hedges
Dear Lady Athena,

 Tonight's show was so amazing and insightful that it passed as if only about 20 minutes long.  I felt each word as if it was being said to me alone, Thank You.
You Always know what we need to hear.
 Blessings to you,
 Always, Kath

Just finished listening to Ashtar-Athena SherAn voice of Ashtar command radio recording from yesterday! It was really good and I couldn't stop listening, exactly what I needed to hear at that time, it was an emotional experience for me, I had tears of emotion, fast high vibrations and numbing in various body parts, a sense of presence, a reunion with God and source, understanding more of the situations I'm in, made me think more on certain things and even heard about shamballa

For me shamballa has always been important since I was young and it came to me in trances and meditations. It was first introduced to me as the city and world in my soul or my souls city and world, it was how it was shown to me as a child it's only now I realise my heart and soul is one with it and all other universes and dimensions for we all come from source and are divine oneness, it is now that I realise it's very possibly my souls origin, my starseed origin, multidimensional in many ways, although this may not be on point this is what came to me in meditation during me listening to the recording

I also saw faces in my minds eye of vlad and Guy Fawkes and other historical men figures, I feel they had a if impact on today's karma and that is why I was shown the faces while hearing about karma coming from a point in time

There are other interesting things that came to me however these are the main ones. An amazing experience and wonderful important message
