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8/8/16    Loved your show on Auras last night, and your guest was very knowledgable. Thank you for taking the fear of our natural abilities away. I will be listening every week to "Let’s Find Out.”

Marlene, New Mexico

8/8/16    I am so glad Let’s Find Out has returned to BBSRadio. I have read many of your books, and work with your Chakra meditation recordings. The information is spot on. Thank you for your show and the weekly astrology report on You Tube.

Always a listener, Chae L. - London, England

8/8/16    Your show, "Let’s Find Out,” is very interesting Elizabeth. I was listening to the show before you and decided to stay on because I was curious about auras. Now I have many excellent refrence points where I can receive credible information. Thought your guest Dimitri was very knowledgable. Please add me to your mailing list so I can keep up with your show. BBSRadio is great!

Keisha M., Chicago, IL

7/31/16    OMG your show was awesome. Niki and I listened with the IPhone in our car, and then at home got it up on the internet without a flaw. BBSradio must have some great output equipment for us to do that. Loved your take on the US Presidential election. Wish we could all have that kind of an open heart and understanding. Thank you do much for your detailed and thoughtful shows.

Michael, Atlanta, GA

7/31/16    I am so pleased you have your own show, Elizabeth. After hearing you on Coast to Coast, I have become a true fan!  Your show and information is invaluable to the world.  Please keep it up.

Roche, Australia

7/31/16    From author to author, your work and your show are mind blowing. How do you do it? I admire your art and the way you present your show on BBSRadio. It’s different, delightful, and for me, healing.  Thank you.

Mike C., Scotland

7/31/16    Elizabeth – Where did you come from?  I have just ordered ALL of your books, and love your writing. It really pierces the veil and shows us so much about the unknown and untried. I have also had many psychic experiences, but you help everyone understand that’s it’s a natural part of us. I am so glad that I can receive BBSRadio over here.  

An avid listener, Frank B., Cork, Ireland   

7/18/16    Thank you and Chiron for helping me to work with patience and timing. I love “Let’s Find Out,” your weekly You Tube astrology report, and all the work you do.

Pamela S., Sacremento, California


Hi! I didn't want to stay on the line to allow for others - but I wanted to give Kira a connection for the tapestry comment! Kira, you mentioned seeing my fingers weave.... I am a nurse and integrative practitioner at a major hospital in Boston Ma. I have been working with a team of like minded people for the past 11 years and I literally said at the meeting this past Thurs that "it is time for us to take our silos of individual practices and begin to weave the tapestry" ! 

So fun that you tied in the language! 

Thank you for the work you do and do hope to connect again some time in the future! 

In Gratitude, 



My Dearest Sri and Kira,


    Thank You for reading my July 6, 2016 e-mail on your July 10th radio show.  Thank youu for addressing and answering both my written and unwritten questions.  Your response to that e-mail was proof of the power & speed of manifestations on Earth today.

    I enjoyed hearing your joyful Loving  inner children get passionate and excited about sharing information and caring about us.  Your presentation was not only uplifting but it was also "Inspirational".  It was like I could see Divine Loving Information Fountains sending mini Violet Flame Sparks into the Earth's Planetary Thought Body transmuting fearful thoughts into Loving thoughts.  The Planetary Thought Body was originally meant to be composed of an equal number of Loving and fearful thoughts.  Perhaps as of today we've found a way to recalibrate that existing thought imbalance and at the same time aid Souls in their Ascension Process.*

        A New Age is dawning slowly ...

        Slowly out with the old and in with the new.

        Possibilities are limitless and we are too.

Why not give those who choose a 3D existence a True 3D world of equal dualities as it was meant to be with equality of choice and equality of influences where Humans can use their Free Will Choice to choose from an equal numbers of both Loving and fearful experiences across the playing board.  This would also allow 4D to exist and grow into various levels of awareness of the daydream/sleeping dream Dreamland playground where Humans learn to experiment with their emotions and experiment with their God given powers as well as connect with their Spiritual Guides, Teachers, Assistants, etc. before physical manifestations occur.  4D was meant to be our passionate path/journey to open and expand our 4th chakra, ie. our Heart.   4D is the bridge connecting a Human being's physical body and Spiritual Body.  Why not undo the choke knot that was killing both the 3rd and 4th dimensions?  All it takes is one new intention with follow through instead of foul-up to birth a whole new world.

    In closing I'd like to say "Thank Hu" for your lovely Loving lightly veiled comment and your high-5 good wishes in case I needed a heads up about my potential future Higher-Self Walk-in experience.

                                      Remembering sure can be helpful.


Love & Light ... Joyce ... Always & in all ways


P.S.  Thanx for the closing reminder about Spiritual Hygiene procedures and processes making us happier, healthier, safer, and more secure feeling humane Human Beings.  

              Isn't "re"-membering fun and a great cause for greater and greater celebration? 


*P.P.S.  Playing your archived videos and radio shows over & over ... again & again is not only a fantastic way to support the Way-Showers & all Spiritually Evolving/Ascending Souls, it it also helping to recalibrate the Planetary Thought Body of our Beloved Planet Earth.  After I began doing that, I had some challenges getting any of your archived radio shows to play on my computer.  But after some Divine Universal Assistance adjustments, all is working just Divinely fine again. 



Ashtar-Athena SherAn's / Commander Lady Athena's timeless wisdom inspires and encourages and reminds us in each week's radio seminar. I encourage everyone to tune in on Wednesdays at 8 PM PDT and also to access the 9 years of archived seminars. 

Christmas Major


This show is consistently offering such pertinent information for times like NOW when so many HUmans are in deep pain and self suffering ... projection is everywhere and the LIGHT is much needed. As Ashtar-Athena, Commander Lady Athena  always reminds us,  IN  HIGHEST TRUTH WE HAVE NEVER LEFT THE HEART OF GOD!

( May we all have the courage to fully realize this!)



I know I say this a lot but this is the one of the best shows - I guess, as we ascend, they just keep getting better!  Cmdr Lady Athena/Ashtar-Athena Sheran's shows are always enlightening as she speaks from her own inner wisdom and shares her joy and laughter over the radio waves. If you haven't heard any of her shows yet, then please tune into my favorite Cosmic Cheerleader! Love and Light to all,

Christmas Major


Wow! Loved your book! I look forward to your next one. I'm not much of a reader but felt compelled since I listen to your show  weekly. Could not put it down. I finished it in a weekend. So brave of you to be so honest. Your truly an inspiration. God bless!

~ Patricia K


"Our company, Bridgeport Strategy, has used the services of Sister 2 Sister.  I found Barbara Sayers copywriting to be stellar and very "thought out".  I would definitely encourage any perspective customer to seriously consider using Sister 2 Sister, in any area they serve."

Brad Climer

President - Bridgeport Strategy

Corporate and Business Coach



"Bizz Buzz is a show that provides a fantastic foundation for people who want to learn more effective marketing strategies. Marketing is the life blood of any organization and this shows aims to showcase people who are absorbed in creative tactics and building compelling marketing platforms for their business ventures and can impart a lot of practical and useful tips to audiences. It was an honor to be invited on the show as a guest and I look forward to checking out each and every episode of this show, in future".

Thanks much!



I heartily recommend listening to The Voice of The Ashtar Command. This radio show and all Ashtar-Athena (Cmdr. Lady Athena) presents is of the highest and purest information out there.  Christmas Major