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Thanks Lady Athena,

I listened to one of your seminars today and loved it. It was a meditation. I went right out. It took me somewhere. I remember you saying that it's not what you DO, but the general vibration of you. The essence, which is what people see and feel from you. I love that.. Thank you for it,

Blessings, Katherine

My dear Ashtar-Athena, Saivahni,
I love this show as I love them all.
When you chanted the various names of God it was so beautiful and I felt my very DNA changing and being revived.
Thank you.
Love, Irene xo
I heard it all... very nice
your voice isn't breaking at all.. and you were very relaxed..
he did a good job, but I wish you both would have gotten into the StG part sooner...
one has to remember that time flies on the radio too!
I was hoping to ask my question but not pressing = just to participate : )
the images above your site \, of Diana, John and M. Teresa are fantastic - who arranged that?
CONGRATULATIONS ! I hope St. G. is happier and that this connection will help many others and deepen your relationship w Dr. Werner.
you are so gracious
~ Catherine C.

Lady Athena, What a perfect show today! if we just live that ;all is well. Exactly what I was sharing with a friend yesterday. I send you LIGHT for all levels. xxxx healing vibes to any physical upgrades x!  Love you, Irene


Dear Kira and Sri,

Thank you so much for my reading on air after reading my email.  I'm comforted by such wise and loving guidance and will move forward now with a vibration lifted into greater integrity and beauty.

Thank you,



Dearest Kira

Sending you so much love and gratitude to you on your Birthday. How lucky the planet is to have your beautiful presence and your  big bright light shining here at this time. And thank you for coming to be in a dream recently, you told me you were healing my left leg. Interesting as over a year ago just after I discovered you and Sri I had shared my success re blood clots on left leg. Maybe energetically there was still some healing needed there. Am enclosing an old Irish prayer as Birthday blessing which you might enjoy.

May God give you for every storm a rainbow

For every fear a smile

For every care a promise

And a blessing in each trail

For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share

For every sigh a sweet smile

And an answer to each prayer

Many happy returns



Dearest Sri and Kira, 

Thank you so much for reading my email! After yesterday's show the capacity within me to Trust has increased immensely. I also feel this resurgence of inspiration towards taking on a greater level of responsibility in my life and my actions which I think I've been avoiding for some time. Wow, you are both such a gift. Thank you so much and Happy, Happy Birthday Kira! Sending you lots of love and hugs, Sheena


Dear Sri and Kira,

I just wanted to send a personal note of thank you

for reading my email on the radio show yesterday.

The whole show was so very powerful-every letter you read

was addressing concerns I have,

I was really moved by the letter of the woman who had two readings which left her

feeling defeated. I am so glad she had the courage to ask you two for help-

and your answer was an answer for myself as well. A very long time ago

I had a comment made to me by someone I looked up to and trusted, under the guise of a spiritual balancing session. What he said to me has been in my

consciousness all this time and I am afraid I have given it power by believing it. Even when I decided not to believe it I still couldn't disempower the thought.

I can't help but think it was a part of my "identity theft".

I am so grateful you addressed my email - I went and read Lesson 5 of the Lost Books of the Essene as you suggested. I saw the energies the lion meets when it walks out of the woods. To have the visual of the lion is so helpful-

I am at times in fear as I work through the identity theft- I have felt everything from nausea to anxiety to cold fear. It is that I don't want to stay locked into those energies which I have done in my past.

Thank you so very much-I will listen to the show again (and again) as soon as it becomes listed in the archives.

I am giggling at the idea of being the most exotic person in my area- I love it!

And I hear you.

Thank you so very much.

Much Love and gratitude,



Namaste ! Whoa what a show, Lady Athena ! Loved it. Received clarity on some areas I wasn't sure about involving immortality and immortalized masters~ the beauty of a day with sunshine and a taste of spring warm and fresh and devas dancing, a cat listening in .. simply loved it .. from one Maharani to another LOL LOVE XXX Irene


Thank you so much for my beautiful mini soul reading! I was so excited when I heard you read my mail and give me the reading on the show. I actually had tears in my eyes it was so beautiful:) thank you!!! I'm super amped for the next four years to unfold as I step into my true self and let go of fear- thank you :) it was so perfect! As you spoke of roses I looked next to me at my bottle of rose geranium oil and couldn't help giggling- I will now wear it with even more intention! 

Sending all my love and blessings!

Olivia xxx