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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Featured Guest Interviews

The Veterans News Hour Guest, Phil Valentine July 23, 2018
Filmmaker, actor, writer, director, producer, performance coach

Phil Valentine has been in the entertainment business for over thirty years, beginning as an actor. He has performed in movies, plays and commercials worldwide.

He became a producer and director when he co-wrote, produced and directed “The Richard’s Riddle,” a successful mystery dinner theater show, which is still running after 25 years!

His original and creative productions earned him a position with the Phillip Morris Company as creative consultant and operations manager for The Marlboro Adventure Team, the largest consumer promotion in American history at that time.

From there Phil began writing and directing shows around the world for companies like Walt Disney, Universal Studios, FOX, New Line Cinema, Six Flags and many others.

After writing the very successful Fox Family Channel Original movie, “Ice Angel”

Phil was hired to produce the independent film “Siren” which led him to write and direct the independent sitcom pilot “Gags.”

Phil became a performance coach teaching not only actors but salesmen, lawyers and other business executives how to become better presenters in a seminar based on his original book, “Why Can’t You Tickle Yourself?” His book and seminar are believed by some to be one of the most intensive and original techniques on performing today.

Phil travels the country as one of the nation’s leading Teambuilding facilitators for Best Corporate Events, the fastest growing teambuilding company in the country.

Most recently Phil has become a multi award winning documentary filmmaker with the critically acclaimed success of his most recent films “Who Will Stand” and “Women of War” documentaries which follow the plights of soldiers returning from war.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Deborah Pietsch July 21, 2018
Cutting Edge Activator Healer Facilitator Telepathic Communicator

Deborah Pietsch comes via the world of Hollywood, as an award-winning producer, switching gears in 2010 to allow an additional ‘calling’ to reveal itself as a cutting-edge spiritual teacher, healer, telepathic communicator and Activator. Awakened in 1987, Deb was opened up like a “tin can” multi-dimensionally. She has gone through a decade of “Activations” which have accelerated her abilities to traverse dimensions 24/7, communicate telepathically, as well as understand unexpected situations such as infiltration, the hijacking of humanity’s great awakening, the energetic effects of 9/11, the reversing energies of the Law of Attraction and much more.

In 2009 Deborah experienced another profound awakening with a visitation from a Light Being along with a week long ongoing telepathic communication of details that “humbly blew her away”. Many of the details communicated during that conversation have come to pass, and are still unfolding. Shortly after this experience, Deborah unexpectedly went in front of the camera to start an iTV and radio show called, “Wake Up…Shift Is Happening TV!” She has interviewed many guests, as well as utilized this platform for Activating Unified Fields of Light and Reality for the Betterment of Humanity. The show has been down for several years and slated to re-launch in May/June 2018.

She developed the I AM Awakening Academy, as well as online retreats, such as “Creating Your Reality”, “The 3 Day Cocoon Retreat” and Project Leap Frog. Along with, Scott Bartle, her husband and spiritual partner since 2013, both have been providing details and information about the Deception Matrix for many years; all of which are just beginning to be revealed in the MSM. Deb and Scott are Way-Showers to teach people how nefarious aspects of the current reality, aka the Enslavement Matrix, are affecting people’s daily lives. They then provide the tools, teachings and Activations to shift their experiences and reality to be aligned with their client’s heart’s desires and aspects such as Soul Matrix Destiny. They spoke at the 2014 Conscious Life Expo together, have hosted several episodes of “Wake Up..Shift Is Happening TV”, and were guests on Sean Stone’s Buzzsaw. They also produced and hosted a panel show during the 2015 Superbowl that was a Counter Protocol of Light to the nefarious agenda of the half time show.

Highlights of her past includes decades of high profile clients in the entertainment & advertising industries, and in 2000 becoming Lisa Garr’s, The Aware Show, first producer.

Angel Answers Guest, Carolin Hauser-Carson July 23, 2018
German trained Naturopathic Doctor, Humanistic Psychotherapist, and Family Constellations Facilitator, is the author of the book Blossom


Carolin Hauser-Carson, German trained Naturopathic Doctor, Humanistic Psychotherapist, and Family Constellations Facilitator, is the author of the book Blossom – Your Sevens Step Journey to Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse and Creating Your Dream Life! An internationally-recognized speaker and teacher on the subjects of spirituality, emotional healing, and women’s empowerment for almost a decade, Carolin established in 2008 and The Blossom Journey tele-course in 2010. She created a very unique virtual business model which allows her to share her knowledge with more people than she could ever personally see in a day. She began to write her book, develop products, and speak on her approach to a life of powerful co-creation, deep personal transformation, and connected purpose.

Today, she combines her knowledge about emotional healing, spiritual truth, and authentic business-building to help women connect to their life’s mission that spurs truly fulfilling careers, amazing contributions, and abundance in the areas of health and relationships. Her work is based on the intersection of where the human body and experience meets past–and even ancestral–trauma, and shows how each individual’s authentic and true self is the source of one’s own good – a place of unlimited abundance, creativity, courage, and joyful existence.

Dare To Dream Guest, ORLY AMOR July 18, 2018
Business Coach for Public Speakers, Public Speaker, Networking Expert, and Bestselling Author

Orly Amor has extensive experience as a Behavioral has made her indispensable as a coach to many influential corporate leaders. Orly speaks three languages fluently which has earned her MBA and Law Degree. Despite the impressive education and success as a business woman. In addition to being a great public speaker and networker for the over ten years, Orly helps Public Speakers create their Business Model for Public Speaking. Her gift is to show them how to monetize their craft by taking it seriously and having what she calls “Business in A Box for Public Speakers.” Orly has an MBA and a Law Degree and no Student debt.

Cameron Live Guest, Ken Pfeifer July 20, 2018
Ufologist, UFO Investigator, Editor, Entrepreneur, Veteran


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