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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Dare To Dream Guest, JEFF JONES October 17, 2018
Jeff is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach.

Jeff Jones provides Addiction Navigation for Families. Jeff is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach. Jeff has been featured in Psychology Today and has a mission to change our conversation in the addiction/recovery space with professionals and family members. Jeff says that the bottom line is that healthy family members allow healing to happen in the short-term and continue to heal far into the future. With the creation of a 3-phase family program & online community, he has both challenged and complemented best thinking about addiction & recovery. Jeff’s vision is to collaborate with addiction professionals, therapists, and treatment facilities to empower family members to engage in a process of recognizing the structural problem around the addiction, resourcing themselves so they can best create a family environment that’s inhospitable to active addiction and sets them up to realize how they want to be a family together in the future.

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Tana Newberry October 18, 2018
Experiencer, MILAB, Author, NDE, Contactee, Clairvoyant, Spiritual Development Coach

Tana Newberry survived a near death experience in 2002. In that moment she realized the ability to channel, saving her life and ultimately changing it forever. Soon after, Tana became passionate about sharing her psychic gifts. 

​Much of her work currently takes place in Benicia, California, which is close to Bay Area. She offers Psychic ET Experiencer Readings, Tarot Readings, Crystal Readings, Crystal-Reiki Healings and Sound Vibrational Healings. She teaches a multitude of Psychic Development classes helping Contactees, Experiencers and Spiritual Seekers to identify and cultivate their Psy abilities. Her trainings exploring telepathic communication, automatic writing, receiving clairvoyant images and receiving conscious state ‘downloads’ of information, among other methods.

Tana's extraterrestrial contact goes as far back as childhood, but memories and new experiences only started to surface around the time she began using her psychic abilities and had her first UFO sighting. Her ET involvement centers around the production of Hybrid children as she recalls 10 years of experiences which include conception, gestation and retrieval.  She also identifies as a MILAB experiencer. 

Tana is involved in the Ufology Community, now attending and sharing her projects at conferences. She can be found teaching, presenting and conducting one-on-one Psychic ET Experiencer Readings. Sessions are conducted using her ET Experiencer Oracle Deck ​which Tana co-authored with Miesha Johnston.The divination deck is dedicated to the topic of Ufology and extraterrestrial contact. When used, it both validates encounters and clarifies details about personal experiences. Contact agendas are represented as well as ET species and Galactic Planets of Origin.

​In addition to her psychic work, Tana currently leads UFO Nightwatch Encounters in the Bay Area, California and on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. UFO Nightwatch Encounters features tours with military grade night-vision goggles, so you can enjoy your own personal UFO sightings!

Stargate Round Table Guest, David Oakford October 18, 2018
Heavy Equipment Operator, NDE Experiencer, Accountant, Software Analyst, U.S. Navy, Author

David L. Oakford was born in 1959, in the shadow of the great auto plants in Warren, Michigan. He grew up on the 'South Side' of town, on the Detroit border; which was, and still is, a great place to get into trouble! By the time he was 19 he was in some very dark times, which led up to the near death experience in 1979. After his near death experience he settled down and got a job as a crane operator at a machine tool plant. He made new friends and met the woman who eventually became his wife. He was laid off in 1982, a casualty of the manufacturing decline the Detroit area experienced in the early 1980's.

David spent five years in the US Navy from 1985-1990, operating the naval tactical data system, the radars and the missile launcher on the guided missile frigate USS Halyburton FFG-40. He also controlled helicopters and hunted submarines.

After his enlistment ended he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in accounting while being a stay at home father to his four beautiful children. He received his degree in 1995. He eventually landed a position as a software analyst. He is currently unemployed and is a stay at home father again!

David is the author of, Soul Bared: A Metaphysical Journey and Journey Through the World of Spirit: God, Gaia, and Guardian Angels.

I'm just a regular guy ... except for the aura photos I create. See the aura photo on the left. It shows energies similar to what I saw during an extraordinary experience I had in 1979 which almost cost me my life. As a regular guy, I work for a living and try to stay out of people's way and live my life without harming anyone. And I have a great interest in all things having to do with the metaphysical. As you will be able read from the pages of this website and several books written about me, the extraordinary experience that I had was a near-death experience during which I learned a lot about life after death. I learned about the energies that we as human beings create and how we affect others ... including the entire universe itself. I have written my entire near-death experience in a book entitled "Soul Bared: A Metaphysical Journey." Click on the link to learn more about my book and how to purchase it.
My near-death experience is also featured in the book Nothing Better Than Death by Kevin Williams, webmaster of "Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife." My book was also been reviewed by P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., one of the leading researchers of the near-death experience. You can read her review at my book's web page as well.

Paranormal Truth and Reality Guest, Gavin Kelly October 19, 2018
Host and Lead Investigator for Amazon Prime's new Paranormal Television Series Paranormal Journey Into the unknown

Gavin Kelly, Host and Lead Investigator for Amazon Prime's new Paranormal Television Series. "Paranormal Journey:Into the unknown. I've been in the paranormal field for 4 years now, joined by my Researcher and Historian Paula Purcell  we are called the Phantasmic Ghost Hunters.  Paula and I have been on FM Radio as well as numerous Internet Radio Broadcasts Nation wide. We're are going to be on TV shows starting this year, Morning shows, News Channels, and of course in the Newspapers. Being invited to Comic Cons and Paracons to be speakers is a wonderful opportunity for Paula and myself. Im the camera man searching for truth along with Paula whom is a historian thst loves to dig into the past as we search with guests and others to find the real truths on locations all over the USA.

Locations we have been to: St Alban's, Old South Pittsburgh, Ohio Reformatory, Waverly , Monroe House and much more


The Sports Doctor Guest, Forbes Riley October 17, 2018
Health & Fitness Expert, TV Spokesperson, CEO of SpinGym

Award-Winning TV host, Author, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur, One of the World's Leading Health & Wellness experts (National Fitness Hall of Fame inductee). Forbes was voted the "Top 20 Most inspiring People on Television" through her roles as a sought-after spokesperson, broadcast journalist and Success/Results Coach to celebrities, sales teams & CEOs. As a motivational keynote speaker - she's affectionally called "The Female Tony Robbins." Forbes Riley has created a trusted brand name for herself.

Touring the globe from Colleges and Sales Meetings to Boardrooms and Global Skypes, she is a dynamic Motivational Speaker and role models for the Success of Women in Business.

My career includes countless tv shows/movies. Visit to see a plethora of acting & hosting credits on Broadway, TV series, movies and along the way I discovered my true gift of communication - live events, comedy at Laugh Factory , infomercials (179 to date w/ dozen best TV Presenter awards), & live home shopping (QVC & HSN).

Launching Forbes Factor Live and The Billionaire Business Academy with a goal to inspire others to their greatness. A trusted brand that extends beyond SpinGym, Forbes Flawless, my books & courses - EVERYTHING we do at Forbes Riley Media is designed to enroll YOU into YOUR life, 10x YOUR business and level-up YOUR health - getting you to live & feel better about yourself. Its our daily mission.

Extensive experience in front & behind camera working on direct and traditional marketing campaigns. Production, product development & marketing strategies including housewares, weight loss, fitness and lifestyle design products.

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