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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Embrace Your Sphere of Influence Guest, Gabriella Van Rij October 10, 2018
Speaker Author Kindness Expert

GABRIELLA VAN RIJ [pronounced “Ray”] began her life as an orphan in Pakistan and without the determination and kindness of two strangers she would not have been adopted into her new family.

Today, Gabriella is the founder of the #DaretobeKind movement, a kindness expert, and a keynote speaker. With a brave and compassionate voice, she speaks at businesses, universities, corporate training events, school assemblies, community centers, places of worship, and on network shows. Her uplifting talks motivate, challenge, and provide the groundwork for lasting progress.She is an acclaimed author of three books. With All My Might is her mesmerizing memoir of one of the first cross-cultural adoptions. I Can Find My Might is part self-help, part practical resource for students, parents, and educators. Gabriella’s personal experience creates a boots-on-the-ground approach to bullying and self-acceptance that is nothing short of magical. Watch Your Delivery is Gabriella’s third and latest book, based on one of her popular presentations of the same name.

 “We as a society have dropped the ball on Human Kindness®,” says Gabriella. “Will you help me pick it up? One moment, one person, one kindness—is all it takes to help someone go from a negative space to a positive place. BE the difference.” Gabriella has been seen by millions on Dr. Phil, ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX. She also writes for the Huffington Post and the NY Daily News.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Carla J Fox October 06, 2018
*** SPECIAL NEW YEAR SHOW for 2020!!! *** Energy Healer, Quantum Sphere Healing Practitioner


Carla Fox has been seeking the answers to life's most important questions all her life.  Through shamanic journey work and the use of altered states of consciousness, she has traveled far and wide in the cosmos gaining a unique understanding of the realms in which we exist.  Her mission on Earth at this time is to be a way shower for others who can benefit from what she has learned and where she has gone.

Her evolution of service to others started with her Shamanic Healership training at the Four Winds Society.  Her studies at the Monroe Institute led to the creation of Quantum Sphere Healing, the process she currently uses.  Her passionate interest in the whole death process helped her create her latest workshop entitled, "Journeys Beyond the Physical".  And, of course, there is her timeless book, "Traversing the Infinite Now", which is only available on her website.

Through her workshops, blog, and energy healing practice, Carla's mission is to assist others in attaining clarity, healing, wholeness and self-empowerment in order to take full advantage of the evolutionary opportunities that are being presented to each and every human being at this time. You can find out more on her website, and check out her blog at the links below:

Dare To Dream Guest, DEVIN GALAUDET October 03, 2018
Guest Expert on Relationship and Travel

Devin Galaudet is the editor and publisher of the In the Know Traveler series of websites, which just celebrated 15 years. He also publishes several other travel-inspired websites including In the Know Bride, which chronicles his endeavor to marry his wife in 100 countries around the world. (They’ve married 20 times in 15 countries, so far). His wickedly funny memoir called: “10,000 Miles with My Dead Father's Ashes“ is part adventure and part tender reminiscence, makes readers laugh, cry, and yearn for their own Spanish adventure. Devin has written for the Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, The Citron Review, TravelAge West, and Turkish Airlines’ Sky Life Magazine. Devin holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Antioch University at Los Angeles. A frequently sought-after guest expert on relationship and travel, Devin has appeared on FOX-TV, NBC-TV, Reinvention Radio, the Experts Insights Publishing awards gala, the California Writers Coalition,, the Jewish Journal, and hundreds of podcasts. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Dr Ruth Martens October 03, 2018
Family Physician, Medical Director of LuxeSkin Med Spa

Dr. Ruth Martens, MD is a Family Physician specializing in Homeopathy, Functional & Aviation Medicine in Wheaton, IL and has been practicing for 37 years. She graduated from R Franklin Univ Of Med & Sci in 1981 and specializes in family medicine. She is also the Medical Director of LuxeSkin Med Spa in Naperville, Illinois.

Dr. Martens entire career has been marked by loyal patients who appreciate her heartfelt mission: seeing the whole person and helping them feel better rather than treating a problem or disease.

Her onsite presence and passion for excellence ensures all LuxeSkin patients seeking medical procedures receive one-on-one consultations and the highest level of care from qualifying through recovery.

  • Family practice physician specializing in Classical Homeopathic Medicine and Functional Medicine
  • Treasurer – American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation and Foundation for Homeopathic Education.
  • Senior Aviation Medical Examiner
  • Cool Sculpting Certification

“Every person who comes to LuxeSkin will be listened to and educated so they fully understand procedures and feel confident that every step will be executed in the healthiest way possible.”


The Sports Doctor Guest, Jeff Lacour October 03, 2018
Founder of Physics of Wellness Research Academy and PhD Nutrition


Our Team worked together for 35 years to finally make public our theory of Collecting Energy.  It all started with injury to a child by a vaccination in 1974.  The effort took many forms before the first big step forward in research when, in the early 2000's, the first graph was generated by our technology (see aside).   

Never before had anyone recorded the electromagnetic energy levels of the human being!  Physics is the study of energy.  Medicine has been obsessed with chemistry for its entire history.  Founder, Jeff Lacour, realized that chemistry is built on the foundational science of physics. In his search for the key to immunity, having pursued every lead in chemical medicine, he began a study of bio-physics.  The graph you see at the right margin is one of the first examples of tracking energy levels in a human.  Many, many tests later, the conclusion was overwhelming: no one was maintaining a stable level of energy, no one was looking at this foundational marker of health and immunity and, certainly, no one knew what total body energy levels are supposed to be.

Later came more sophisticated methods for seeing and analyzing energy levels using infrared technology.

15 years later, the Academy is rolling out its theory of Wellness/Immunity based on physics.  People will be able, with this information, to by-pass the entire medical  juggernaut and defend themselves from premature aging & body break-down. Moreover, by following the dictates of the Handbook, people can live in a constant state of immunity!

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