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Brandon Shalton
Your Pitch

Ubuntu is an idea manifested. It is an economy of contributionsim. The world is ripe right now for this transformation and all it will take is 'One Small Town' to implement this novel way of life where every one single person benefits.  One town's transformation will create a domino effect for all the neigboring townships. Once it is seen in real time, once it is lived in and all who participate and all who witness it will have their "aha" moment.  The  'penny will drop' at the simplicity & beauty of it all.  We will wonder why we waited so long to implement this ancient yet new concept of contributionism. Ubuntu is indeed "direct action". We are the one's we've been waiting for and our time to transform is now. If not us, who? If not now, when?

Contact me anytime with any questions: 609-332-6526. Kat Lopez,  Media, Ubuntu USA


In transit....